Historical Returns

Monthly distributions from Norfolk Mortgage Trust

With Norfolk, you receive interest distributions from your investment on a monthly basis. This gives you the option of a steady income stream, or you have the choice to reinvest your distribution. Reinvesting means that your distribution is added to your investment balance and through compounding interest your investment grows.

The pre-tax distribution paid for the month ending 31 December 2024 was 7.5%. This is calculated on an annualised basis.

Investment Returns – Monthly

Invest $10,000 and see your final value after a month, calculated with our current unit price, return and the max tax rate of 28%. Simple, clear, and direct – know exactly what your investment gets.

With your monthly returns, you decide: the funds can be transferred to your bank for monthly income or they can be reinvested to keep your investment’s growing.

Interest rate is annualised and interest is calculated daily. This calculation assumes that the investor has been invested for the entire month.

Investment $10,000.00
Unit Price $0.9720
Current Return (Jan. 2024) 7.50% p.a
Gross Interest return $61.64
PIE Tax at 28% $17.26
Net Investment $10,044.38

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The table below shows the historical distribution rates that we have achieved for our investors*.

*Past returns do not guarantee future performance, and all investments carry risk. However, Norfolk’s long-standing track record speaks for itself.

Month NMT Distribution Rate Fund Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) NMT Unit Price**
Jan - 25 7.50% 49.84% 0.9700
Dec-24 7.50% 49.53% 0.9715
Nov-24 7.50% 49.37% 0.9714
Oct-24 7.50% 49.32% 0.9717
Sept-24 7.50% 49.01% 0.9708
Aug-24 7.50% 48.62% 0.9710
Jul-24 7.50% 47.05% 0.9717
Jun-24 7.50% 46.16% 0.9749
May-24 7.50% 48.13% 0.9725
Apr-24 7.25% 46.51% 0.9714
Mar-24 7.25% 46.34% 0.9715
Feb-24 7.25% 45.94% 0.9716
Jan-24 7.25% 45.53% 0.9715
Dec-23 7.25% 45.32% 0.9718
Nov-23 7.10% 44.96% 0.9718
Oct-23 7.00% 44.38% 0.9715
Sept-23 7.00% 44.22% 0.9714
Aug-23 7.00% 45.41% 0.9709
Jul-23 7.00% 45.84% 0.9715
Jun-23 7.00% 46.42% 0.9714
May-23 6.50% 45.94% 0.9717
Apr-23 6.75% 47.76% 0.9703
Mar-23 6.00% 47.78% 0.9701
Feb-23 6.00% 46.86% 0.9695
Jan-23 6.00% 47.24% 0.9699
Dec-22 6.00% 47.27% 0.9702
Nov-22 6.00% 47.13% 0.9707
Oct-22 6.00% 47.59% 0.9698
Sep-22 6.25% 47.30% 0.9695
Aug-22 5.70% 47.15% 0.9693
Jul-22 5.70% 47.15% 0.9689
Jun-22 5.60% 45.05% 0.9688
May-22 5.50% 46.07% 0.9686
Apr-22 5.50% 45.00% -

** Unit price is calculated on the NAV at the end of the previous calendar month and applies to all investments and redemptions for the following calendar month.

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